Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal

Picture courtesy of William Culpepper

Dolphins always give me a great sense of renewal…I am not sure why.  Maybe it’s because they are so playful with sailboats. They love to swim along in the bow wake.  I’ve had more than one friend be fearful for the dolphins’ safety as they jumped out of the water, looking like our boat would run them over. The dolphins are too smart for that-they know they can swim faster than the boat moves…and it’s so refreshing so witness the innocence and beauty of the dolphins playing along side a sailboat underway. That’s just one of those moments that renews my spirit.  Go dolphins!!

Weekly Photo Challenge: MINE

This is about the feeling that comes over me when I’m sailing.  It’s freedom.  It’s communing with nature.  It’s the challenge of harnessing the forces of the wind and the sea to get you where you want to go.  I am calm, I’m having fun.  I am happy…these great feelings are mine!